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Letter "C" » complexity

«Expansion means complexity and complexity decay.»
«Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.»
Author: Edwin Way Teale | About: Life | Keywords: complexity, Eliminating, labors, needless, reduce
«Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity»
«I think complexity is mostly sort of crummy stuff that is there because it's too expensive to change the interface.»
«Literature is the human activity that takes the fullest and most precise account of variousness, possibility, complexity, and difficulty»
«Complexity and profundity have been equated by the academic culture just as fame and significance have been conflated by the popular culture. Fame and significance have nothing to do with one another; and complexity and profundity have nothing to do with one another.»
«Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy. There is never any justification for things being complex when they could be simple.»
«A wider of more altruistic attitude is very relevant in today's world. If we look at the situation from various angles, such as the complexity and inter-connectedness of the nature of modern existence, then we will gradually notice a change in our outlook, so that when we say 'others' and when we think of others, we will no longer dismiss them as something that is irrelevant to us. We will no longer feel indifferent.»
«I regularly read Internet user groups filled with messages from people trying to solve software incompatibility problems that, in terms of complexity, make the U.S. Tax Code look like Dr. Seuss.»
«I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.»

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