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Letter "P" » Pleasure

«As life's pleasures go, food is second only to sex. Except for salami and eggs. Now that's better than sex, but only if the salami is thickly sliced.»
«As to the myth about Fat Girls and certain abilities to achieve multiple...ummm...my only comment on THAT topic, having both thin and fat and, also, coincidently a girl...is that it most likely has to do with genetics. And praise the Goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros that I know all about those good genetics.»
Author: Owen J. McClain | About: Pleasure, Women
«But few have spoken of the actual pleasure derived from giving to someone, from creating something, from finishing a task, from offering unexpected help almost invisibly and anonymously.»
Author: Paul Wiener | About: Pleasure | Keywords: anonymously, derived, invisibly, offering
«All kinds of beauty do not inspire love; there is a kind that only pleases the sight but does not captivate the affections.»
«Business is always interfering with pleasure - but it makes other pleasures possible»
Author: William Feather | About: Business, Pleasure | Keywords: interfering
«Business before pleasure»
«All fits of pleasure are balanced by an equal degree of pain or languor; it is like spending this year part of the next year's revenues»
Author: Jonathan Swift (Author, Satirist) | About: Pleasure | Keywords: fits, languor, revenues, this year
«An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young»
«Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.»
«All natural goods perish. Riches take wings; fame is a breath; love is a cheat; youth and health and pleasure vanish.»

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