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Letter "G" » Goodness

«Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can»
«Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving a great deal of what it is the world needs most. It is not complicated but it takes courage. It takes courage for a person to listen to his own good»
Author: Pablo Casals (Cellist, Conductor) | About: Courage, Goodness | Keywords: decency, listens
«A little moralizing's good - a little: I like a taste, but not a bath of it»
Author: Quintus Ennius | About: Goodness | Keywords: bath, moralize, moralizes, moralizing
«After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn?t it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it? This is how I answer when I am asked?as I am surprisingly often?why I bother to get up in the mornings.»
«And therefore is the outward beauty a true sign of the inward goodness, and in bodies this comeliness is imprinted, more and less, as it were, for a mark of the soul, whereby she is outwardly known; as in trees, in which the beauty of the buds giveth a testimony of the goodness of the fruit.»
«Conquer a man who never gives by gifts; Subdue untruthful men by truthfulness; Vanquish an angry man by gentleness; And overcome the evil man by goodness»
«Confidence in the goodness of another is good proof of one's own goodness.»
«Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them»
«All good things are wild, and free.»
«Be good and you will be lonesome»
Author: Mark Twain (Humorist, Lecturer, Writer) | About: Goodness | Keywords: good and, lonesome

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