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Letter "T" » theory

«Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve»
Author: Pehyl Hsieh | About: Action, Doubt, Motivation | Keywords: doubt, remove, solve, theory
«Facts do not 'speak for themselves', they are read in the light of theory»
Author: Stephen Jay Gould | About: Facts | Keywords: facts, speak for, theory, The Light
«He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast.»
«A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it.»
«A theory is the more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premises, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended the range of its applicability.»
«A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory.»
«Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment. But the point from which we started out still exists and can be seen, although it appears smaller and forms a tiny part of our broad view gained by the mastery of the obstacles on our adventurous way up.»
«I'm a word man. See, there's this theory about the nature of tragedy, that Aristotle didn't mean catharsis for the audience but a purgation of emotions for the actors them selves. The audience is just a witness to the event taking place on stage.»
«How empty is theory in the presence of fact»
Author: Mark Twain (Humorist, Lecturer, Writer) | About: Theory | Keywords: empty, presence, theory
«An economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders if it would work in theory.»

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