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Letter "P" » professions

«It's only very recently that women have succeeded in entering those professions which, as Muses, they typified for the Greeks»
«All men love peace in their armchairs after dinner; but they disbelieve the other nations's professions, rightly measuring its sincerity by their own.»
«A woman is handicapped by her sex, and handicaps society, either by slavishly copying the pattern of man's advance in the professions, or by refusing to compete with man at all.»
«First impressions are often the truest, as we find (not infrequently) to our cost, when we have been wheedled out of them by plausible professions or studied actions. A man's look is the work of years; it is stamped on his countenance by the events of his whole life, nay, more, by the hand of nature, and it is not to be got rid of easily.»
«All professions are conspiracies against the laity»
«A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that action, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment to friends; and that the most liberal professions of good-will are very far from being the surest marks of it»
«I attribute the little I know to my not having been ashamed to ask for information, and to my rule of conversing with all descriptions of men on those topics that form their own peculiar professions and pursuits»
«For of all gainful professions, nothing is better, nothing more pleasing, nothing more delightful, nothing better becomes a well-bred man than agriculture»
«Each of the professions means a prejudice. The necessity for a career forces every one to take sides. We live in the age of the overworked, and the under-educated; the age in which people are so industrious that they become absolutely stupid.»
«Books to judicious compilers, are useful; to particular arts and professions, they are absolutely necessary; to men of real science, they are tools: but more are tools to them.»
Author: Samuel Johnson (Critic, Poet, Writer) | Keywords: professions

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