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Letter "D" » dialogue

«?The internal dialogue is what grounds people in the daily world. The world is such and such or so and so, only because we talk to ourselves about its being such and such and so and so. The passageway into the world of shamans opens up after the warrior has learned to shut off his internal dialogue.?»
«Dialogue more tame than Wilde.»
Author: Clive Barnes | Keywords: dialogue, tame, Wilde
«A good film script should be able to do completely without dialogue.»
Author: David Mamet (Playwright) | About: Movies | Keywords: dialogue
«A dialogue is more than two monologues.»
«A pas de deux is a dialogue of love. How can there be conversation if one partner is dumb?»
«Dialogue is the most effective way of resolving conflict.»
«A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That's why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.»
«Dialogue should simply be a sound among other sounds, just something that comes out of the mouths of people whose eyes tell the story in visual terms.»
«?When a warrior learns to stop the internal dialogue, everything becomes possible; the most far-fetched schemes become attainable.?»
«Death is a Dialogue between, the Spirit and the Dust.»
Author: Emily Dickinson (Poet) | Keywords: dialogue

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