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Letter "C" » catering

«Catering is the cottage industry of New York. All a caterer needs is a Cuisinart, some pots and pans and a couple of food magazines to start out. They get jobs, though they don't necessarily get repeats.»
«If something is exceptionally well done it has embedded in it's very existence the aim of lifting the common denominator rather than catering to it.»
«Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him - with kindness or roughness as his case may demand.»
«As for the law--it catered for a human nature of which it took a naturally low view.»
«I knew when I started playing professionally that being an idol means catering for fans. Without them, there's no game. I don't mind signing autographs, but what I really want to give fans are lots of goals.»
«Agriculture is for living; mind culture is for life. Skills are for shaping material things so that they cater more for the comfort of man; studies are for shaping attitudes, feelings, desires, emotions and impulses of man, so that they may confer more peace, more joy and more fortitude on man.»
«I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know.»
Author: Epictetus | Keywords: approve, cater, catering
«No girl who is going to marry need bother to win a college degree; she just naturally becomes a ''Master of Arts'' and a ''Doctor of Philosophy'' after catering to an ordinary man for a few years.»
«The greatest difficulty is that men do not think enough of themselves, do not consider what it is that they are sacrificing when they follow in a herd, or when they cater for their establishment»
«The newspapers have a great role to play; but they are content to cater to the vulgar tastes and become waste papers soon.»

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