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Letter "W" » Wes Short Jr Quotes

«I was thinking a top-10 this week would let me avoid Q-school. I don't like Q-school. Now I get to go to the Mercedes (Championships) and have a two-year exemption.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«My bunker shot was made easier when Jim didn't hit it close. If I just hit it on the green, I win the tournament.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«But I done wore it earlier in the week, so I ran out. I'm a huge Longhorn fan, born and raised in Austin. I bleed orange.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«My wife (Gail) is making me go back there next week.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«I knew that I didn't have to go to Q-School for a couple of years at least. Then I could play in the Mercedes and I could pick my schedule pretty much. That's a huge thing.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«I knew if I kept it on land, I was going to have a chance to win the tournament.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«Right now, I don't have any emotions. I thought when I first won, I'd be jumping to the moon. But it's like it hasn't sunk in yet.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«I don't know if my pro-am partners liked me much. I was on the phone all the time, kept text-messaging to know what was happening. I didn't play all that well.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«Jim had a little bad luck on the second playoff hole and that opened the door for me and I hit a pretty good shot out of the bunker.»
Author: Wes Short Jr
«I'm emotionless right now. It's hard to describe how I'm feeling.»
Author: Wes Short Jr

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