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Letter "P" » Paul Evans Quotes

«They're lending to anybody and everybody, in addition to what they already do, which is a lot of lending with poor default records.»
Author: Paul Evans
«We make residence hall assignments according to our students' preferences, and in recent years the number of students expressing a preference for all-women's housing has decreased to less than 200, ... The vast majority of incoming students want to live on campus in a coed residence hall.»
Author: Paul Evans
«We believe that Cole Hall is the appropriate size for an all-women's hall, and will satisfy limited demand in the future,»
Author: Paul Evans
«We know and respect the rich history Liz Waters had as an all-women's residence hall, ... But our main goal is to accommodate the preferences of as many residents as possible. We expect both Liz Waters and Cole Halls to thrive under this new arrangement.»
Author: Paul Evans
«I always appreciate some of the historic significance of this building, how it was used in the beginning, ... Time marches on, things change, and the campus needs to adjust to changing times.»
Author: Paul Evans
«Nobody objects to the building.»
Author: Paul Evans
«With the popularity of talk radio and it coming back to Portland, it was great to see him make an impact. He was probably the last person you'd think to see wake up at 6 a.m. to do talk radio, especially with it becoming so in-your-face, but Frank was a professional and it was great to see the younger generation of sports fans, 18 to 30, who found out how knowledgeable and professional he was.»
Author: Paul Evans
«This was not one of our better games. I think we are going to put it together?the rest of the season.»
Author: Paul Evans
«The White team started out the game slow, played good defense, but couldn't make the shots to come from behind.»
Author: Paul Evans
«What this tells us is that if you're building nanostructures, the surface is really important. If you make silicon half as thick, you would expect it to conduct half as well. But it turns out that silicon conducts much worse than that if the surface is poorly prepared and much better than that if the surface is well prepared.»
Author: Paul Evans

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