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Letter "M" » Margaret Murphy Quotes

«Crews were able to get that back on within two hours and that's really the only weather-related outage we've seen,»
«Safety is the biggest issue we have, ... Power is out in the downtown area, it's pitch dark, and we have downed power lines everywhere.»
«We're asking the public to stay indoors, even during the day until we can get the hazards removed because the danger is real and present, ... mostly caused from fallen tree limbs.»
«It's very normal in a project of this scale to have questions raised,»
«We're trying to work to have the milestones covered. When we have the approval process in place, we will be in a position to engage developers,»
«She wrote herself 31 additional payroll checks totaling 25 thousand..»
«How do we show a guilty mind? How do we show Christine Dodds knew what she was doing was wrong? That's the evidence we're going to present, evidence he was unaware of,»
«We can replace it with an overhead system, an underground one or a hybrid. They've been given the costs and it's really up to them to make the choice.»
«Do we have the perfect price design standing here today? Probably not. Let's build in some carrots as well as some sticks that would send stronger signals about conservation. You might see those changes start to come in in 2007.»
«Sections of it are developed but it's not at announcement stage yet.»

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