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Letter "M" » Margaret Moggio Quotes

«I might have been too hasty at the Finance Committee meeting. It would be good to pay for trustees and their spouses and for the award winners. However, I would not like to see us pay for drinks for alcoholic beverages.»
«Right away that raises a red flag with me when you say you are limiting tree removal. I wasn't aware there would need to be any tree removal. Have any comments come back from the G.L.E.N. Committee?»
«I would like to be sure this has been reviewed by the G.L.E.N. Committee. We want to save as much as possible.»
«Is this just for the engineering agreement and not to move forward?»
«I really have not had an opportunity to review these plans in detail. I believe we have called for the G.L.E.N. Committee to review all plans. I'd like to table this motion.»
«We wanted this property because we wanted to preserve the wooded area, because we wanted to preserve the vegetation and because we wanted to preserve the wildlife. What is it going to do to it if we build this? What kind of equipment will be going back there?»

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