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Letter "K" » Kathleen McGinty Quotes

«What this is about is saving the state substantial sums of money. It's about having others chip in to solve the $15 billion price tag for cleaning up the problem.»
«Pennsylvania's state-specific rule removes unfair economic barriers to preserve the marketplace for Pennsylvania's coal industry. It puts in place standards that are more protective of public health and the environment than the federal (mercury) rule.»
«The hope is that we very substantially take a bite out of a pollutant that is a very serious problem, especially in terms of infants and unborn children and pregnant women.»
«Demand for these rebates clearly shows the public is interested in vehicles that achieve higher fuel efficiency standards and employ alternative fuel technologies.»
«Despite recent rainfall, precipitation levels over the last two months are below normal in every corner of the commonwealth.»
«The issues involved in controlling dangerous mercury pollution are complex. False and misleading information can have no place in the debate.»
«Air pollution can be a major health threat, especially for at-risk populations and those with respiratory illness. This study will help us target improvements to clean the air, improve the environment and enhance public health.»
«The information we gather by this one-year study will help us work with all facets of the Carlisle and Cumberland County communities to find ways to improve the quality of air we breath.»

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