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Letter "G" » George Pfeifer Quotes

«We need to get better players. We have some younger players who are going to step up and help in the future, but we need to get some people who will come help us play right away.»
«I'm humbled. This is indeed an honor to have an opportunity to be a part of the rich tradition and history that is associated with this program and this university. I'm excited, grateful, confident, all those things. I'm dedicated to putting together all the pieces to make this program exciting and successful.»
«What I read in the paper is what he said to me. He came here to play for Coach Perry and Coach Perry is not here. Coach Perry was like a second father to him. We talked about it once and I've moved on.»
«We need to bring in some players to close this talent gap and that's what we intend to do.»
«There hasn't been anyone I can think of in recent memory that I have spent more time recruiting than Darin, which I think is a testament to how much I want to coach him and what I see his value to our program being.»
«As a player he was just under 6-5 coming out of high school so he has face-up offensive skills and now he is 6-10. He can rebound, he can shoot the 3, he can block shots and he can run the floor? all exciting attributes.»
«Darin and I discussed how much he has been bombarded daily with questions about his college selection. I feel safe in saying that I had five times as many inquiries as he did. I know that there are going to be a lot of happy people in Vandal nation and I'm excited for the fans that will be able to see him play on a regular basis.»
«Based on our win-loss record this past season, changes needed to be made. This aspect of coaching college basketball is business. We have offered to assist those who are choosing to move on.»

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