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Letter "E" » Elaine Fischer Quotes

«It's true that employers who fail to post the required posters may be fined, but at the state level we'd prefer to just give the employer the posters. If we get a complaint that they aren't posted, we mail them the posters.»
«Our efforts at doing these follow-up investigations was really helpful at telling the story. We now know where the exposures are happening, the types of pesticides, the method of application.»
«Russian might not be their first language, but they learn it in school. It seems to be a common language among all of them.»
«Not only would the employee have a good understanding of the people he works with and be able to set a good example for the other workers, it also shows the other workers that the company takes safety seriously. It shows that they're willing to invest in safety.»
«All seven log trucks had some type of defect and four of them were bad enough to be out of service.»

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