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Letter "D" » Dana Walker Quotes

«The bottom line with him is he's ready. I've been impressed by his maturity. We know with the competition we are playing, he's going to have to be mentally ready to play, but we think he can handle it as an 18-year-old.»
Author: Dana Walker
«Hands down, they are the best defense we'll face, ... They are in a well-respected conference, and this is the first time in a long time that our guys have seen these types of athletes with that kind of speed and size. So it's a good experience. The thing that I like most of all is our guys remained positive throughout the whole game.»
Author: Dana Walker
«It's just a matter of our guys going back and watching film and regrouping, ... It's just about cleaning up the mistakes. We have Martin and Jed, but we have inexperienced guys at key positions, so we are trying to get some continuity going.»
Author: Dana Walker
«A lot of people in the city probably think he can't handle it, but Monte just doesn't let all that stuff bother him. He really wants this, and you can tell that during camp, because he wasn't about to let anybody beat him out.»
Author: Dana Walker
«One thing that I think we should have done more was run the football, ... In the past, I've been very stubborn, and we should have given (Bines and Hicks) more chances to carry the ball. We have the ability to run the football and control the clock, and we have to do that and keep our defense off the field.»
Author: Dana Walker
«One thing that I think we should have done more was run the football. In the past, I've been very stubborn, and we should have given (Bines and Hicks) more chances to carry the ball. We have the ability to run the football and control the clock, and we have to do that and keep our defense off the field.»
Author: Dana Walker

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