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Letter "W" » Wayne Krivsky Quotes

«We signed him with the idea that if we did move an outfielder to get a pitcher that he could step in and we wouldn't miss a beat.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«At home with my wife and dogs after six weeks of spring training. That's been the last 11 opening days for me. But this one here, this is special.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«The last time I was sitting in this chair ... it was the day of my second interview. Did I think I was going to be named GM the day of the second interview? I've got to pinch myself. This is pretty special stuff.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«I really wanted to take a gamble on a guy like this, with his athletic ability and being a defense-oriented middle infielder who I think can help us this year and in the future. He's still a young guy.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«He's got a little bit of a reputation, but I think the fact that he hasn't played in 10 days and his whole career has been in limbo - I think he would even tell you he was a little humbled by this. Sometimes that has a way of humbling you, when you're out there and you don't have a home and you're wondering where your career is going.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«Joe Klein, Sandy Johnson and Terry Ryan. Those are my guys for 30 years. I'm very lucky to have that kind of foundation and a guy like Terry to tie it all together.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«If anything made sense in any phase of the game - like with (obtaining Brandon) Phillips as an example - I wouldn't hesitate. But we're just out of spring training. You'd kind of like to settle in and let the guys play for a while before you start making all kinds of moves.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«He looks like the same guy he was a few years ago. We're trying to keep him healthy, and so far, so good. He's swinging the bat well, and he's in a good frame of mind. Everything has been positive from him. Hopefully (the injuries) are over with. He's still a definite threat. I think he'll have a great year.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«He was completely on board. There wasn't a fight there.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky
«That would be the logical thing that would happen, but I've got to make sure he got through (Monday's) game OK.»
Author: Wayne Krivsky

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