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Letter "W" » Wayne Gandy Quotes

«That makes them away games. Anytime you get on a plane and pack a bag, it must be an away trip.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«Thank God we had a home game.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«It felt 100 times better than what we've been doing. It's just one game, so that home atmosphere hasn't gotten around completely. But not getting on an airplane and going somewhere -- it's not like those were one-hour flights. [Last week's trip to] Minnesota was the shortest, and it was three hours. It's been a haul. You keep doing that week in and week out, it's hard. As a team, we've got to do the best we can with these games that are in San Antonio.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«This team is totally different than other Saints teams. There's a resolve to this team.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«Good or bad, this team is going to fight until the end. If anything has come out of this mayhem, it's what this team seems to be. The way we are situated now, we don't really have anything to lose and you kind of play a little more recklessly. Even in the losses, you saw guys still playing hard. . . . We have a good, talented team. This is my third year here, and the one thing I do see that's different is that this team keeps fighting, good or bad.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«He has a power-runner's mentality. You still have to catch him, but he doesn't run for the sideline, his first thought isn't to make a move on you, and he has a strong stiff arm.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«It's a home game only in the sense that we don't have to bus or fly anywhere. However this season turns out, I'm quite sure that if somebody writes a book about Katrina, they would have to devote a chapter to the New Orleans Saints who had an entire season in disarray.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«The game was definitely for them.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«some teams, they rise above it.»
Author: Wayne Gandy
«We all feel if we can just cut that out . . .. We've proven that, the two games when we had zero to few penalties and zero to few turnovers, we've won.»
Author: Wayne Gandy

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