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Letter "S" » Saku Koivu Quotes

«There isn't too much time. I've got to go home and pack and leave (Sunday), have one practice and then we play on Wednesday.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«The next road trip is just going to be a killer for guys who are going to the Olympics. It's crazy. I don't know who makes these Olympic schedules, but they're not thinking too far, let's put it that way.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«We have all played together over the last year so we know each other's style. We tried to make things happen and put the puck in the net.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«It doesn't matter if you're 4-0 and playing great. One game in the quarter-finals and you may be out. There's a long way to go.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«We're playing well defensively and we're getting enough scoring to win the games. Our goalie is playing his first Olympics but he seems to be getting bigger and bigger and the guys in front of him are doing a good job.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«I thought we played better offensively (against the Czech Republic) and better defensively tonight. We gained a lot of confidence and know we can do it against any team.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«I think we are confident. I don't think tonight was our best game, but we have been getting better and better and that's how you have to play if you want gold.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«If you look at the lineups, (Canada and the Czech Republic) are better on paper but things are not decided on paper. There are strange things that can happen in a tournament like this, and the team with the most talent doesn't always win.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«If you look at the lineups, they are better on paper but things are not decided on paper. There are strange things that can happen in a tournament like this, and the team with the most talent doesn't always win.»
Author: Saku Koivu
«If you look at the lineups, they (Czechs and Canadians) are better on paper but things are not decided on paper. There are strange things that can happen in a tournament like this, and the team with the most talent doesn't always win.»
Author: Saku Koivu

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