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Letter "J" » Jim Allchin Quotes

«I would hope that we get credit for listening to partners and ensuring that we're thinking about their businesses, not just ours or some portion of their businesses.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«We are on track to complete Vista this year. Given that customers have wanted us to be very precise and any mistakes made might impact the business, we have decided to come out with a high assurance date everyone can count on.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«There is a few weeks' delay because the partners had asked. This is a major release and it takes a lot of time to do the appropriate qualifications. Some of the manufacturers have their systems built off shore. There are logistics that have to take place here and we are not experts on that.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«We're on track to complete Windows Vista this year, but quality is the top-line message.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«Given that the customers have wanted us to be very precise and any mistakes in that might impact their business, we decided to come out with a very high assurance date for them that they can count on.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«Microsoft will release some versions of the new operating system for big businesses in November as planned, but the consumer version will be postponed until January.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«Our industry partners, as you probably know, during the December [selling] season, need quite a bit of time, and an extremely high level of confidence and certainty about that period of time. Now, we've been in discussions with them, and in order for all the industry to be ready, instead of just part of the industry, we've decided to prioritize around the customer and partner satisfaction for the broad availability, to be in January of 2007. This will ensure great out-of-the-box experience for Windows Vista customers, and ensure that all of our partners are prepared at the same time.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«To be clear, the reason why we're doing this is because they asked us to do this. To be clear, some would like for us to continue, and some wouldn't. So what we're trying to do is think about the whole industry, and we don't see any plan in change in terms of PC forecast.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«Product quality was the first priority on the first day of Vista (development) and we won't compromise on that. We needed just a few more weeks and that put us in what we would call a bubble where some partners would be impacted more than others and we decided to optimize it for the entire industry.»
Author: Jim Allchin
«Security is a big thing. Safety and security has been a diving factor in this release all along. We know what we need to do to in order to make this system one that people are going to be able to feel safe and secure when they get it.»
Author: Jim Allchin

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