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Letter "D" » Dan Hartleb Quotes

«I was pleased with the way Aaron performed. Looking back at his last outing he really struggled, but he took a step forward today. He got us off to a good start and got the team off on the right foot.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«I'm not discouraged from the standpoint of did we play hard or not. I'm just upset we didn't make adjustments, and baseball is a game of adjustments. If a certain player is doing certain things against you, then you should go about things a different way.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«I was happy we did some things early. It relaxes everybody to get some early hits. You get a little mental momentum.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«We had a little bit of everything last week. We had an extra inning game, some long games, some exciting games and then the rain game. So hopefully it's just four games this weekend and we go out and take care of business and come out on the winning end.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«Chase has matured a lot as a person and as a player. He got a good number of at bats early in the year and is starting to feel comfortable at the plate and is seeing the ball very well. He has learned to use all fields instead of being a one-dimensional hitter.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«We go into every game to win. I think we are a solid team when the right people are on the mound. I expect our guys to play hard but we need to continue to progress and we aren't a team that can just walk on the field and things will just happen for us. We have to play intelligent and have to pitch well and play error free.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«Overall I thought from both sides of the field we weren't a very good team today. We got runners on base but didn't do a good job of playing team baseball.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«Our offense had an opportunity early to set a precedent for the game. Four out of the first five innings we had opportunities to move runners and make contact to score runs, but we didn't do it. We had an opportunity to take some pressure off our defense and pitching and we did a poor job of that.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«Our bullpen was poor. We walked too many guys and the only time we pitched well was when no body was on base and there wasn't any pressure.»
Author: Dan Hartleb
«We've bounced back all year. We have been back and forth between good and bad stretches all year. Everyday is a new day and every game is a new game. We have to look forward and get in the right frame of mind to perform.»
Author: Dan Hartleb

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