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Letter "A" » Adam Jonas Quotes

«There?s a reason Renault is getting a lot of attention with this car. They?re the only one doing this so aggressively. If they are successful, there will be followers.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«That's why Porsche bought Volkswagen. Working together on a common electronic architecture is a no-brainer.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«The concern should be at Chrysler. Chrysler overproduced in the fourth quarter and when you overproduce you should make more money, but they made less.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«Peugeot had a bad year but their sales volumes improved. GM and Ford are operating at about their break-even market share.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«At this pace, Fiat should gain significant share.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«It is decisive, it is early and it gets a lot of uncertainty out.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«If Western Europe were the only market for these carmakers, it would be a headwind, definitely. Companies will have to take an offensive and defensive approach -- coming up with new models and attracting more up-market customers.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«If Western Europe were the only market for these carmakers, it would be a headwind, definitely. Companies will have to take an offensive and defensive approach - coming up with new models and attracting more up-market customers.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«BMW reported a positive surprise to fourth quarter profit numbers today along with a proposal for a three percent increase in the dividend and notice that the board is to seek authorization for a 10 percent share buyback.»
Author: Adam Jonas
«The underlying Mercedes margin excluding one-off items and provision releases was significantly weaker than expected. That was an area where the market was prepared for upside surprise.»
Author: Adam Jonas

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