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Letter "A" » Aaron Rowand Quotes

«When he gets on, he causes problems for the defense, steals a base here and there. It's huge for us.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«You're going to end up on your face before you hit the pole trying to get up the hill. If you hit it, you hit it, so what? I've run into a lot more things.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«It has happened to every team that has ever won, ... Today is a new day. We have to prepare the right way and get back to work.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«After playing 14 innings, when my head finally hits that pillow, I don't think I'm going to have any trouble sleeping tonight.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«It's not that big a deal. You don't run after a fly ball and then say, 'Oh my God, the hill!' You just go after it.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«It wasn't through lack of effort, it was just guys pressing too much. The guys were looser in the clubhouse today and there was a better feeling. Today was more of what we've been doing this year. We got guys on base and we hit some big home runs. That took a lot of pressure off us.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«We swung the bats much better today than what we showed. We hit a lot of balls at guys that made some good plays. We caught break on the ball Jermaine hit.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«I know we didn't like him a whole bunch when we played against him in Minnesota, (him) stepping on bats and throwing elbows and stuff like that, but that's him. He's a guy you love to have when he's on your team, but probably not a guy you enjoy playing against.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«Through all of the choke talk and everything else that was said, this team really stuck together when the chips were down and we weren't playing as well together as we knew we could. Everybody stuck together and nobody paid attention to that and we were all a unit, and it paid off in the end.»
Author: Aaron Rowand
«He's definitely a leader on this team. He's been here, probably outside of Frank, the longest on this team. He knows this organization and most of us have played together for quite some time. Everybody looks up to Paul as a leader and team captain, whatever you want to call him.»
Author: Aaron Rowand

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