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Our Living Constitution: An modern interpretation of the flexibility of the constitution and how much foresight our fore fathers had in the wording of it, not much history, mostly interpretation

Title: Our Living Constitution: An modern interpretation of the flexibility of the constitution and how much foresight our fore fathers had in the wording of it, not much history, mostly interpretation
Category: /Social Sciences/Political Science
Details: Words: 1070 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
Our Living Constitution: An modern interpretation of the flexibility of the constitution and how much foresight our fore fathers had in the wording of it, not much history, mostly interpretation
"The American Constitution is, so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man," said William Gladstone, almost one hundred years after the ratification of the American Constitution (Ross, 29). I agree with Mr. Gladstone in his opinion of the constitution. The basic principles set forth by our Founding Fathers are nothing short of ingenious. The principles of limited government, federalism, separation …showed first 75 words of 1070 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1070 total…newly fashionable interpretations, the (Supreme) courts receive a signal to decrease the importance of citizens' rights in their decision making" (Volokh, 831). In closing, I believe that the Constitution was written to be molded, fitted, and hemmed up so that it would be the ever-changing, living document that our Founding Fathers envisioned so many years ago. Through the use of the procedures set out by the Constitution, this has been successful for over two hundred years.

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