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Friendster, a new social networking entrepreneurship. Define the market sytstem, and creative destruction. Will this entrepreneurship become a victim of creative destruction.

Title: Friendster, a new social networking entrepreneurship. Define the market sytstem, and creative destruction. Will this entrepreneurship become a victim of creative destruction.
Category: /Business & Economy/Economics
Details: Words: 716 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Friendster, a new social networking entrepreneurship. Define the market sytstem, and creative destruction. Will this entrepreneurship become a victim of creative destruction.
A new social network startup, Friendster.com, is one of the most promising new Internet companies, founded by Jonathan Abrams. Social networking has shown a lot of promise, with other startups, such as LinkedIn, Spoke and Tribe Network, being backed by large venture capitalist firms pouring out a lot of money, almost $ 40 million. Almost five million Internet users have accessed Friendster, but surprising enough, Friendster hasn't made a cent in revenue. What makes Friendster different …showed first 75 words of 716 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 716 total…users to the Friendster site. Eventually, another company may try to bypass Friendster by offering a new and more exciting service, and that may cause Friendster to become a victim of creative destruction, just as they have done to others. Bibliography What's Friendster Selling?, John Heilemann, Business 2.0, March 2004, page 46. Economics, Principles, Problems, and Policies, McConnell & Brue, page G-5. Friendster.com parlays the power of Grassroots Networking, by Janet Pak, www.detnews.com, August 4, 2003.

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