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Federal Assisted Suicide Law, Euthanasia.

Title: Federal Assisted Suicide Law, Euthanasia.
Category: /Social Sciences/Controversial Issues
Details: Words: 599 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Federal Assisted Suicide Law, Euthanasia.
A debate has begun on the application of federal drug laws to assisted suicide -- a debate which may result in a new federal law to counter Oregon's experiment in doctor-assisted death. Last November the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) concluded that assisting a suicide is not a "legitimate medical purpose" for the use of federally regulated drugs, and that using such drugs to assist a suicide could cost a physician the federal DEA registration authorizing …showed first 75 words of 599 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 599 total…medical practice. Even Dr. Thomas Reardon of Oregon, testifying for the AMA as its president-elect, conceded that his own "personal view" is the one he expressed last November, when he publicly welcomed the DEA's policy. Governor Kitzhaber of Oregon urged Congress to allow his state's carefully crafted law to function -- but when asked what the penalties are for violating Oregon's careful "safeguards" against abuse, he said he was "not aware" of any such penalties.

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