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Centripetal and Centrifugal - To find out in which direction an object flies off, if it is spun and then released and to investigate how the radius affects the speed of ta spinning object.

Title: Centripetal and Centrifugal - To find out in which direction an object flies off, if it is spun and then released and to investigate how the radius affects the speed of ta spinning object.
Category: /Science & Technology/Physics
Details: Words: 572 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Centripetal and Centrifugal - To find out in which direction an object flies off, if it is spun and then released and to investigate how the radius affects the speed of ta spinning object.
Physics Centripetal and Centrifugal Purpose: A) To find out in which direction an object flies off, if it is spun and then released. B) to investigate how the radius affects the speed of ta spinning object. Background info: Centripetal: force pulling/pushing an object away from the center. Centrifugal: force pulling/pushing an object towards the center. Inertia: matter continues in its state of motion. Distance: the length between two points. Radius: half the distance …showed first 75 words of 572 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 572 total…radius, the less distance the object will have to travel. This enables the object to move much faster when it is closer to the center. These hypotheses were correct. As a final conclusion I can say that if an object is spun around and then released, then the object will fly off forward and if the radius of the object is shortened then the object will move faster, for it has less distance to cover.

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